Phuket Weather
November to April - High Season
The drier, sunnier, somewhat cooler months are from November to April. This is the best time to enjoy the beaches and the high season on Phuket. Laze away an afternoon on the white sand, or play on a motorboat in the bright blue water. The ocean currents are relatively calm.
April is the hottest month, when you can expect temperatures to regularly top 35°C / 95°F, staying around 33°C / 91°F.
May to October - Green Season
May through October offers a wetter, hotter Phuket. August is the start of the monsoon season. This is when the visitor will see red flags on the beaches. These warn of dangerous currents and rip tides. If you see a red flag on the beach, do not go into the water.
Phuket Weather & When to Go
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